Weight: +- 6-8 KG
'success is just a smile away'
Artists follow the zeitgeist on Instagram. Their concepts and critical interventions change along with the social developments they reflect upon. Under the programmatic title “success is just a smile away,”
German conceptual artist Andy Kassier tells the story of a self-made man driven by money and success. In this long-term performance on Instagram, Kassier’s character always shows up where the sun is shining and it is raining money. His hair is perfectly coiffed, a smile is attached to his face, and his shoes and cars are gleaming. He is never at a loss for a motivational quote that is supposed to help you achieve happiness and success. “Taking risks and succeeding make you a winning player. Never forget that you could have become a tree instead of a human being. So be happy every second of your life. Just be yourself.” Kassier’s character is the personification of the false promise that money, power, and a carefree life are within reach for everyone. He combines critique with a sympathetic attitude towards a generation that always aims farther and higher, wants to get there ever faster, and chooses #nevernotworking as its mantra even though its jobs often remain somewhat intangible.